About Us

Dana Roberts, RN APN - Clinical Supervisor

Dana Roberts

Dana Roberts is a certified Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner and Clinical Supervisor with Chicago IVF. She received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Dana later earned her Master of Science in Nursing and Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner degree from Regis College in Weston, Massachusetts. While working on the Chicago IVF Nursing team for 5 years, Dana developed a passion for Women’s Health and Reproductive Medicine that inspires the care she provides through her current role.

“It gives me great joy and honor to be a part of an individual or couples’ journey to grow their family.”
If you’re in need of fertility care or think you might be, find out how the fertility specialists of Chicago IVF can help build the family you've always wanted.
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